Vallások és háborúk

2012.04.13. 01:17

Nagyon komolyan elterjedt nézet, főleg ateista körökben, hogy a vallások miatt vannak a háborúk.

Amikor iskolába jártam és a szüleimtől is ezt hallottam, aminek annyi a valóság alapja, hogy valóban sokan, sokféle gonoszságra használták fel a tanokat. Hozzáteszem sokszor vallások vezetői is.

Az itt látható képet rakta fel valaki a facebookra és H.G. Urmila mataji (Srila Prabhupada egy igen fejlett tanítványa) az alábbi kommentet fűzte hozzá.


„Actually most wars have absolutely nothing to do with religion. Make a list of all the wars of the last 150 years and see what percentage are related with religion. Here's a list of prominent wars that had nothing to do with religion:
1.) The Seven Years' War (Britain & France)
2.)The American Revolution
3.)The French Revolution
4.)The Napoleonic Wars (France & Europe)
5.)The Revolutions in the Americas
6.)The Wars to create and preserve the British Empire (Boer War, Irish Revolution, and the Great Game with Russia would all be examples)
7.)The American Civil War
8.)The Crimean War
9.)The Spanish-American War
10.)The Great War, The War to End All Wars, or World War I (whatever you want to call it)
11.)The Italian invasion of Ethiopia
12.)The Spanish Civil War
13.)Stalin's invasions of Finland, the Baltic states, and Poland
14.)World War II
15.)The Chinese Revolution
16.)The Cold War, including but not limited to the Korean War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, the American intervention in Grenada, and the Soviet campaign in Afghanistan
17.)The Cultural Revolution in China (If you don't want to call this a war I'll concede it)
18.)Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge Revolution
19.)The Falklands War
20.)The Persian Gulf War between Iran & Iraq
21.)The Persian Gulf War between the United Nations and Iraq
The Breakup of Yugoslavia (beginning with Slovenia)."
the main causes of war are desire for riches, food, land, power, resources like oil, etc. I would like to see a list of wars that were fought primarily for religious reasons."

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